No more scrambling to get the latest information on your site.
All of the latest information will updated on your site as soon as it's announced. New program you want to share? No problem - a brand new page will be created so you can send your clients more information, gather emails with lead collection and follow up accordingly.
Always have a place to send people so it's simple, quick, and no confusion.
My goal is to take the stress out of your success and simplify your business!
New Page Creation
New Program
Program Description & Photos
'Coming Soon' Program Video
Lead Collection for follow ups & Sample Workout access
Streaming Access Dates (VIP Early Access & BOD Library Launch)
New Product / Supplement
Product Description & Photos
Availability Dates
Lead Collection for follow ups
Important Updates
Program Sample Workout
'Try for free' Lead Collection
Launch Dates
Coach/PC VIP Early Access
Customer VIP Early Access
BOD Library Launch
New Product Available for Purchase
'Purchase Now' button
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